Girl admiring her beautiful teeth in mirror.

Dr. Patel uses a bone graft (bone particulates/powder) to add width and height to the desired area where implants are being placed. Sometimes, due to different reasons, the bone volume of the jaw has not been sufficient. Adding implants without having appropriate bone mass can compromise the longevity of the dental implants. Dr. Patel Dentistry offers various bone grafting procedure in conjunction with dental implants. During the assessment of cone beam CT scans the quality and quantity of bone tissue to determine to diagnose whether you will need one of the following procedures:

  • Sinus lift procedure
  • Ridge argumentation
  • Socket preservation

Sinus Lift Procedure

This procedure will add bone volume in your upper jaw; thus, a dental implant can be placed. The upper jaw contains two large air-filled cavities on either side of the nose called maxillary sinuses. When teeth are missing in the back part of the upper jaw, the sinus cavities enlarge even more reducing the available bone volume at the area of dental implants. Lifting sinus will enable Dr. Patel to add bone particulate under the lift; therefore, future dental implants can be placed in the area. To learn more about sinus lift procedure, please schedule a complimentary consultation with our dentist in Ajax.

Ridge Augmentation

Part of the jawbone where teeth have been missing for a long time is called a ridge. Over a period of years, the ridge shrinks in height and width as bone and gum tissue remodel (diminish). A ridge augmentation procedure adds bone volume where part of jaws are deficient in bone width and height. This will lay the foundation for receiving a dental implant.

Socket Preservation

This is a very popular procedure performed when a tooth is removed for various reasons. Removing a tooth leaves behind a hole in your jawbone. At the time of removal, this hole can be filled with bone particulates or a powder to lay the foundation for future dental implants. This will also limit the shrinkage of your jaw bones in the area where teeth are missing.

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