CBCT scanner in Ajax, ON.

Advantages of CBCT over CT scanner

May 04, 2023

If you’re experiencing trouble with breathing, oral health issues, or jaw discomfort, the dentist may recommend taking pictures of your jaw to know the root of the problem. Previously, panoramic x-ray scanners were used to take internal images. The advancement in technology has seen the development of cone beam CT scans and CT scans. CT scans, known as computed tomography scans, take pictures of internal body structures generated by a computer from multiple x-ray images. On the other hand, CBCT, fully known as cone-beam computed tomography, utilizes a cone-shaped x-ray beam with only a single 360 degrees scan around your head.

Both CBCT and CT scans are highly-advanced diagnostic equipment, but some dental professionals utilize CBCT for various functions. Some of them include the following:

  • Analyze breathing airways problems.
  • Examine your jaw growth and teeth alignment.
  • Assist in diagnosing the cause of TMJ discomfort.
  • See the exact shape of your jaw, skeletal structure, and bone.

In comparison, CBCT and CT scans are superior and more accurate than the standard panoramic x-rays. But when it comes to CBCT and CT scan, which one is superior? Keep on reading to find out.

CBCT Vs. CT scan

What Are the Advantages of CBCT Scanners Over the CT Scanners?

Speed Of The Test or Examination

If you’re on a tight schedule and still have an examination, it would be best to opt for a CBCT scan in Ajax, ON. This is because CBCT scans are quicker than CT scans, as everything is scanned in one rotation. For instance, a CBCT scanner can capture up to 200 images to compile a single 3D image in just 40 seconds, while a CT scan will take 30 minutes to do the same.

Therefore, the examination speed of a CBCT scanner is significantly quicker than a CT scan.

Exposure To Radiation

Research shows that daily exposure to x-rays can raise the risk of getting cancer. However, no dental professional or doctor can recommend undergoing CT or CBCT scans daily. If you have any oral issue that needs x-rays, you should visit a qualified dental professional like the one in Dr. Patel Dentistry. They will take precautions to avoid overuse of the scanners to reduce the risk of cancer.

That being said, it is essential to note that patients receive lower doses of radiation with CBCT scans when compared to CT scans. As per the Journal of International Oral Health, CBCT scans have 10 times less radiation than CT scanners.

Image Details

CBCT scanners have a higher resolution than CT scans. In addition, it supports multiplanar reformatting, which helps the medical professional know the extent of the disease thanks to a single 360 degrees scanner.

Why Are CBCT Scans Necessary?

Now that you know the advantages of CBCT scans over CT scans, you might be left wondering why the scans are necessary. First, you should know that a single CBCT scan shows all your nerves, bones, and soft tissues in detail. In addition, it helps the medical professional diagnose your health and plan the most suitable treatment for your problem.

There are other benefits of CBCT scans when it comes to oral treatment. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Identifying gum tissues.
  • Locate the cause or origin of pain.
  • Identifying lesions that may indicate severe gum disease.
  • Evaluating your nasal cavity, nerve canal, and sinuses.
  • Providing accurate measurements like the dimensions of your jaw and its shape.

Are There Any Disadvantages of CBCT Scans?

  • Emits radiation: although CBCT scans emit less radiation than CT scans, the radiation can still be harmful to your health.
  • Limited contrast resolution: it can be challenging for the dentist to discriminate between tissues due to low contrast resolution.
  • Noise appears in the scans generated by CBCT scans.

Although CBCT scans have many advantages over CT scans, it would be best to check in with your dentist. They have the know-how to determine whether a dental CT or dental CCT scan would be suitable. In addition, you should check in with your health insurance to know whether or not they will cover your scans. If they cover the cost of regular x-rays, they should also cover CBCT and CT scans.

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